This Heart Shaped Wheel of Fire
He who doesn’t make mistakes
own up, forgive, for heaven's sake;
attachment, anger, hate their fate
till purified in fire by heaven, wake.
Love's fire enlivens, quickens
future deeds, footsteps to heaven.
Truth alone frees but’s so hard,
till the fire returns joys wings to Heart,
Breath to the Soul, love to the art.
Learn from the mistakes, then
no mistake at all. From big Love
and Truth, vow never to part.
- Robert Thibodeau
I first realized poetry as an art work when attending Wayne State University and meeting cliches of poets making the scene, seemingly influencing all the creatively smart thinkers whether spiritual or materialistic. Poems then revealed secret truths about the world, self and other; how to interact, romance, dive deep and fly high.
Soon I met and partied with John Sinclair in Ann Arbor, a hundred of his friends, in the front row at the free John concert with John Lennon singing. Later I’d hang with artists and poets at Artist’s Workshop Wayne State University, the MC5 in Ann Arbor and in time at Mayflower Bookshop. I learned to write about what’s close and near and not fear stars overwhelming and tearing me from you, wherever you are!